Japanese Milk Bread
Last November my husband and I spent the week of Thanksgiving in Tokyo. The first few days we were there Mr. Shenanigans had to work, so I took the opportunity to visit different neighborhoods in Tokyo, tasting different foods and soaking up the culture. Once his work obligations were complete we moved into a little apartment in the quietly hip neighborhood of Shimokitawaza. First thing I did after we dropped our bags was head over to...
Orange Honey Pound Cake
I’m celebrating spring with cake! Spring in Texas is part beauty and part terror. The beauty comes from the wildflowers that spring to life, seemingly overnight, along the roads and in fields. I drove down to Houston last weekend and was dazzled by fields filled to bursting with vivid Bluebonnets, Indian Paint Brushes, and Buttercups. Watching the colorful flowers wave gently in the breeze is almost hypnotic. If you have not...
Cacao Nib Cookies
Love, as they say, is in the air. At least that is what candy, greeting card, teddy bear, pajama. and rose producers would like you to believe. It is nearly Valentine’s Day, the greeting card holiday that has convinced most people that the only acceptable way to express their love is through the purchase of overpriced cards, heart-shaped boxes of mediocre candy, and roses. As you might have guessed, I am not a fan of the...
Apple Pecan Tart
I am a sinful person (as if the Evil in my blog’s title was not proof enough). This tart is proof of my sinful ways. You see, in my heart of hearts I am a slothful person. Don’t tell anyone, but there is nothing I like better than to spend a lazy day at home in my jammies watching movies while I neglect the housework, and my adult responsibilities. I have overcome my lazy nature for the most part, my lazy days are few and...
Cheesy Roast Beef Pie Bites
Another year draws to a close. 2013 was a big year for me in many ways. Lots of life changing events. The most important of these was in February when I lost my beautiful, and always inspiring, Aunt Ruby. I still can’t really believe she is gone. If you know me at all you know she was a source of inspiration to me. A real treasure. She was a strong, smart, spunky lady who had a ready smile, a warm heart, and baked a killer pecan...
Sweet Potato Apple Crumb Coffee Cake
Good heavens, the holidays are nearly here! Where did the year go? I feel like I just took down my Christmas decorations, and now they need to go back up. I’m really not ready for it this year. Rather than ‘ho ho ho’, I feel ‘ho ho ho-hum’. Some years I get filled with the holiday spirit weeks in advance of Thanksgiving. This year, I am feeling a little like the Grinch! The best cure for the holiday...