In the blink of an eye …
I am shocked that the year is nearly at an end!! It doesn't seem like it could be Thanksgiving yet, but it is. And so I sit here, after months of inactivity, and write about what I am thankful for this year.
I am thankful that I am going to school. I love what I am learning, even if I never do anything more with it than be an excellent home baker.
I am thankful for my husband. He is my other half. Love him!!
I am thankful for my family. Even when they make me nuts, I love them.
I am thankful for our troops. They fight so that all people, not just Americans, can enjoy freedom.
I am thankful for my dogs. I am sad that this year we lost one, but I am happy that we were able to save another dog from a shelter. My dogs rule!
I am thankful for everything I have that I take for granted, and that other people may never have.
Last, I am thankful for Nigella Lawson. I got to meet her two weeks ago and she was just as lovely and pretty in real life as she is on her show. Added to that she is humble and kind. She is all I aspire to be.
School update …
I have been remiss in my posting duties, again, and I make no excuse. I will say, however, that I am doing well and looking forward to winter break.
I earned 250 out of 250 on my mid-terms. Not bad!!
Lastly, check out the gallery under cake decorating to see more of the wedding I did for a friend.
Talk to you soon … before Christmas!!