
Bread, bread and more bread …

It is hard to write unique and witty commentary about school this semester because each week it is pretty much the same thing. 

Night 1 – Mix pre-ferments, make quick bread, prepare ingredients for next night final dough, clean up and go home.

Night 2 – Mix final dough, ferment, mix and bake quick bread, punch dough, round, bench, pan, proof, bake, clean up and go home.

I hate to say it is redundant, because each week we do have different recipes to make … but it is all bread.  I mean, I am sure that my posts are riveting but there is only so far that I can take the discussion of class at this point.

That said …

The last three weeks we have done the study of sourdough breads, a topic close to my bakers heart.  I have learned some things, but most of it I learned in my home kitchen and I was glad to have the validation.  So far my self-study has been right on the mark. 

Ol’ Yeasty, by the way, is a happy and healthy starter that has been baking lots of tasty bread each weekend.  I have shared him with others so the children of Ol’ Yeasty have gone out into the world to make their own ways in their new homes.  

In class we have been using starter either made by the students that our teacher has selected, or using her starter.  The bread is nice and for the most part bread I would not eat.  Not for any other reason that I do not care for some of the additions to the bread, like raisins or potato.  We did make this cheese bread that would make the angels weep with joy for eating it.  So good!

I am quite firm in my desire to open my own place.  In my class is a woman who I work well with and she and I have been tossing the idea around.  It would be nice to have someone to share the responsibility with and is really worth considering.  She is a great baker and we really get along well.

Mid-term Practicals are next week.  I drew Cranberry Sour Cream Muffins and Baguettes with Poolish.  I will practice these things, but I feel very confident that I know what I am doing.  Also, two quizzes since last I blogged.  I got a 25 and a 20.  Not bad.  I really should have gotten a 25 on the second one, but I slacked off and neglected my studies.  Bad me!!

Author: Kelly

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