
Nearing the end of yet another semester …

Well, the semester is almost over and, aside from next week, I am getting ready for another round of practicals.


I have no idea what we will be required to do, but I have made some not-too-subtle-hints that only one item to present would be super nice of our teacher, and much appreciated among the class.  😉

Last night we had some kick-ass chili that our teacher made.  She was kind enough to give us the recipe.  It was so good I am thinking of making some for dinner tonight!  We ate the chili in class with some Aloo Paratha, an unleavened Indian bread filled with a spiced potato mixture.  Oh.  Sweet. Tap.  Dancing.  Jesus.  Sooo good. 

I will admit to a fair amount of frustration this semester.  I have had a bunch of personal issues, that I will not get into here, that have made me less tolerant than I would be normally.  For what it is worth, I feel bad in my more peaceful moments about how my frustration makes me act.  I simply can't help it.  I hate lazy people!

If the whole class is busting ass to get the bake shop clean after baking is done it is NOT FAIR that one group gets to sit on their asses and chit-chat!  They use their cell phones in class, they take other peoples mixers, they show up late, and I suspect them of having cheated on our last test.

One day, when I have my own place, I will not tolerate people who do not pull their own weight.  For now, I have to learn to deal.

Author: Kelly

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