More Pizza, Sourdough Starter Update, and Weekend Baking
I will be making more pizza this weekend. The first batch was so good, and my brother is coming over, I can't help myself. I must make it again! I think I will start the biga tonight, make the dough tomorrow night and stash it in the fridge for a good long ferment. Slow ferment means more flavor, and flavor is almost always a good thing.
Ol' Yeastie, my starter I began just under a week ago, is doing pretty well, I think. In the last two days there have been bubbles. These bubbles are not just from my stirring and it also has a sour tangy aroma. I am hopeful that things are going well, and I hope to be using the starter by next weekend, if all goes well.
I am going to tackle some recipes from my syllabus this weekend in an effort to have a clue about the bread we are making. I am thinking I will try the Rustic Bread and maybe the Ciabatta again. This time I will take some of the bread to the office Monday with some shaved ham as a treat!
New Nigella (at least to me) this weekend!!!
Nigella Bites starts this weekend on Food Network. I got her Bites cookbook for Christmas, and I adore it! I am really looking forward to seeing her make the food. She makes cooking seem so exotic that I can't help but want to go cook something myself just so I can feel like her. I am not, however, as elegant and not at all as stylish as she. I am more a jeans and hockey themed t-shirt kind of gal, but that has its own charm!
Have a great weekend, and I shall report back Monday with my baking progress!