Spiced Dark Chocolate Soufflé
I love things that look difficult but are in fact quite easy. Soufflé is one of those desserts that people assume is terribly difficult to make. I think it goes back to cartoons and movies where someone is making a soufflé that comes out tall and perfect only to have it collapse in spectacular fashion. When I was in culinary school I dreaded soufflé day, knowing that they were so terribly hard to make. I quickly discovered the...
Apple Fried Pies Made With Puff Pastry
First, thank you to everyone who voted for me to make it to Round 4 of Project Food Blog! I am so excited to be participating in this round because we are going to have one of my favorite evil treats!! The challenge: Sure, you can take a pretty picture. But your task here is to go above and beyond and use photography to create a step-by-step, instructional photo tutorial. It could be anything from how to bone a chicken to how to...
Snowball Crème Brûlée
Have you ever watched a cooking reality show and wished you could participate, but without the crying, alcoholism, or life-shortening stress? Well, I certainly know I have, and I decided to do something about it! Welcome to my inaugural Top Chef Just Desserts Elimination Challenge …. Challenge! The purpose of this challenge is to re-create the weekly Top Chef Just Desserts elimination challenges at home, and anyone can...
Japanese Shortcake Jelly Roll with Chocolate Whipped Cream
I spend a fair amount of time shopping in Asian markets. I love the fresh produce, meat and fish. The whole experience is an adventure for me as I discover new ingredients, flavors and snacks. One of my favorite discoveries are Japanese Cake Rolls. They are soft sponge cake filled with a delicate layer of lightly sweetened creamy filling. My husband, in particular, enjoys these and had been asking me to find a way to make them at...
Brown Sugar Chocolate Chip Scones
I might have been thinking of cookies when I made these scones. I was craving chocolate chip cookies the other day when a picture of some cream scones caught my eye. Why couldn’t I take the best flavors of a chocolate chip cookie and combine them with some scones? So, I did just that! I used brown sugar in the dough and added a full cup of chocolate chips. I also added a teaspoon of vanilla. The results are spectacular! These...
Banana and Chocolate Mascarpone Crepes
The combination of chocolate and banana is highly underrated. Aside from some frozen bananas dipped in chocolate, and chocolate chip banana bread, the combination is largely overlooked. Well, break out your bananas because we are going to make something that will make chocolate lovers rejoice. The crepes are chocolate but they do not have any sugar in them. Before you say I am mad consider that the crepes are going to be filled...